<aside> 📢 CobroForce has to rescue Vega, that got kidnapped by the notorious Nemesis_One and his bandit following. All players separate in the2 Teams, 90-60 Minutes before the starting time of the event. Both teams gear up at PO and Mining Area 141. Cobra’s Team gets ready at OM-2 and the Pirate group settles down at Kudre Ore, as beforehand planned.
Start: 10 AM EST | Prep: -90 Minutes
Duration: 4h
Location: Kudre Ore
At Port Olisar, Team Cobra gears up the Air and Ground-Teams, for the rescue operation, of Vega, our first lady of everything in the universe. Then groups up at Daymar OM-2 at 10 AM EST
Rules for Cobra’s team:
At Port Olisar or Mining Area 141, the pirates gear up AA’s, Ground Troops & Air Support. Vega hops on and all move to Kudre Ore and starts setting up, to be ready at: 10 AM EST
Rules for the Bandits:
*Nemesis_One: “***Hails Cobra with ingame-comms”. I’ve got something you want:
Vega: Help me!!
**Nemesis_One: “**Hangs up”
Cobra: CobroForce! they took her! they took Vega! that god damn Nemesis_One Scum! Where did he bring Vega? We have to get her out! right now!!
FiggyGee: **President of the Universe, this is your First Commander of StrikeForce Cobra, we just got INTEL from one of our scouts. We might wanna check that out.